
Welcome to my blog. I document my last shootings, show behind the scenes videos and pics. Hope you have a nice stay!



Here are the first results of a reportage and portrait mission conducted for Alavita under the direction of the Takaneo agency.

The title photo was taken through the front door of one of the shops, taking advantage of the bright sunshine to use the reflections and show the anchorage in the city!Photos decide how much sympathy and trust the other person has. With authentic and sympathetic photos, you will be understood correctly at first sight.

Authentic photos for websites and social media, This is how you reach your target group and stay in their minds: pictures go straight to our brains and create emotions. Use them as competitive advantage!

Portraits für Philipp Gonder - Theaterautor, Sänger und Schauspieler

Portraits für Philipp Gonder - Theaterautor, Sänger und Schauspieler

