
Welcome to my blog. I document my last shootings, show behind the scenes videos and pics. Hope you have a nice stay!

25 Jahre Fotografische Gesellschaft Trier e. V. Große Jubiläumsfeier

25 Jahre Fotografische Gesellschaft Trier e. V. Große Jubiläumsfeier

My great-grandfather cherished a knife he acquired in his youth, its blade honed by years of use and its handle worn smooth by his steady grip. Throughout his life, it became an extension of his hand, a faithful companion through thick and thin. When the time came, he entrusted it to his son, my grandfather, who, in turn, wielded it with pride and purpose.

As the years passed, the blade of the knife wore down with each task, each cut leaving its mark. Eventually, my grandfather decided to replace the worn blade with a new one, preserving the knife's functionality while maintaining its legacy. My father who inherited the knife, chose to change the cracked handle, before passing it down to me.

Nowadays, as the knife rests in my hands, I am faced with a paradox. The blade is new, the handle a testament to my grandfather's craftsmanship and my father's choice.

Just as a cherished knife evolves with each passing hand, ideas too undergo transformation as they spread through society.

Imagine an idea deeply valued by its originator, enriched by their experiences and wisdom. Over time, it finds its way into the minds of others, each person adding their own insights and interpretations, much like the gradual wear and tear on the blade of a well-used knife.

As the idea circulates, it adapts to new contexts and challenges. Just as a worn blade is replaced to maintain functionality, the idea undergoes modifications to remain relevant.

With each iteration, the idea becomes a blend of past wisdom and contemporary innovation, a testament to its resilience and adaptability in the face of change.

25 Jahre Fotografische Gesellschaft Trier e. V.

Große Jubiläumsfeier

Zu ihrem 25jährigen Bestehen zeigt die Fotografische Gesellschaft Trier in einer umfangreichen Ausstellung die große Bandbreite des Schaffens ihrer Mitglieder.

Das Besondere: es wurde kein gemeinsames Thema vorgegeben, sondern die Fotografinnen und Fotografen waren aufgerufen, sich mit ihrem eigenen fotografischen Schwerpunkt zu beteiligen und individuelle, gestalterische Akzente zu setzen.


Am Freitag, dem 26.April 2024 um 19 Uhr im

2. OG der Tufa.

Dauer der Ausstellung: 26. April -26. Mai


26. April, 19 Uhr


26. Mai, 15.30 - 17.00 Uhr


Di/Mi/Fr/Sa. 14-17 Uhr;

Do. 17-20 Uhr

So und feiertags 11-17 Uhr

Roman Bastgen - Portraits und Wahlkampf-Fotos - Bernkastel-Kues

Roman Bastgen - Portraits und Wahlkampf-Fotos - Bernkastel-Kues